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Child Find

Child Find Notice

This notice is to inform parents that Bethel Public Schools is dedicated to locating, evaluating, and identifying all children ages 3 through 21 with an established or suspected disability. Child find efforts include those not enrolled in school, as well as those attending public or private schools, Head Start, and other child care or treatment facilities. Children, not school age, must reside in the boundaries of Bethel Public Schools to be included in the Child Find efforts.

Bethel Public Schools offers a comprehensive screening and multidisciplinary referral, evaluation and eligibility process for the identification of children with suspected disabilities. Referrals are confidential and services are provided at no cost to the parent. The parent, legal guardian, or surrogate parent retains the right to refuse services and are provided other procedural safeguards under federal and state law.

Please click this link to complete a referral form: Bethel Public Schools Child Find Referral Form

As mandated by the Oklahoma State Department of Education, Bethel Public Schools is required to fully inform parents that personally identifiable information is maintained on all children who are referred and evaluated under the provisions of Child Find.

Parents may request this information by completing the Formal Request for Access to Child Find File. This serves as a tool for the parent (or guardian) to gain insight into the school's efforts to identify and address their child's potential disabilities or special educational needs. Access to this file can be crucial in advocating for appropriate educational services and interventions for the child. This is the form that you, as a parent or legal guardian would fill out in order to request access to the file that holds all of the child's information that was gathered for the Child Find Referral process.

The types of information sought may include but are not limited to: parent concerns, developmental, adaptive behavior, social-cultural, health/medical, vision, hearing, motor, perceptual/processing, behavior, psychological, vocational and information gained through observations in the classroom or other environments.

It is the responsibility of Bethel Public Schools to inform parents/guardians of their rights under the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Bethel Public Schools provides a broad continuum of services available in order to ensure a free, appropriate, public education to qualified students.